Leica M (Typ 240)
The Leica M (Typ 240) is a fantastic entry to the world of digital rangefinder photography. The 24mp full-frame CMOS-sensor of the Leica M240 is capable of achieving fantastic image quality. There are various Leica M cameras available that are based on the Leica M240, like the Leica M-P 240, the Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246) and the Leica M262. All our available Used cameras that are related to the Leica M240 will be listed here. If you don’t see any products, please see our current offering of Used Leica Cameras.
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The Leica M240
The Leica M240, first introduced in 2012, might not be the latest digital Leica M, but that doesn’t mean the quality you get out of this camera isn’t anything short of fantastic. The images are clear, vivid and full of contrast. When you pair the Leica M240 with a Leica M lens your images get a certain ‘pop’ that’s recognized as the ‘Leica look’. The body of the Leica M240 is a bit thicker than what you’re used to from a Leica M, but that is because it packs a few surprises.
Filming with the Leica M240
A unique feature to the Leica M240, that has been omitted from later Leica M cameras, is the ability to record videos in 1080p full-HD by pressing the movie button next to the shutter button.
This allows you to capture breathtaking footage with the typical Leica look. Of course you maintain full manual control over your exposure and focus in video mode.
Live View
The Leica M240 was the first Leica M camera that had a Live View option, allowing you to check your exposure and to make sure you nail focus before you take the shot. There is also an additional Electronic Viewfinder available for the Leica M240, the Leica EVF-2s. When using Live View you can magnify your image up to 10 times. This makes nailing critical focus a breeze.
Never miss a moment
Thanks to the integrated imaging electronics of the Leica Maestro image processor, the Leica M240 also impresses with fast response times and an almost immediate wake-up time and ensures that photographers are always ready to shoot. Combine this with the bright viewfinder with a 0.68x magnification rate and the rangefinder focussing system that allows you to focus quickly and precisely, and you’ll never miss a shot. Are you working with smaller apertures? Then zone focussing is for you. The Leica M-Lenses (Used Leica Lenses link) feature distance scales that allow for fast and accurate zone focussing. You can set all important parameters on your Leica M240 beforehand so you’re always ready to capture the moment in front of you as it happens.